Hannah / Issaquah Highschool

Hannah’s senior photo shoot had a couple location hangups! Our originally planned location had an emergency and had to close down for the day of our shoot! So I had to think quick and find us a new spot while she was at her hair and makeup appt!! Thankfully my lovely friend Maggie has a gorgeous patch of dahlias and she was so sweet and willing to let us come over and photograph in them!!! I can’t believe how beautiful they turned out!! Hannah is a stunner!!

Marisol / Kennedy High School Senior Photos

This session is pretty much exactly why I love being a senior portrait photographer!! I get to create stunning images playing with light and posing and flowers and sunshine, PLUS I get to meet the absolute sweetest people. Mari and her momma made this shoot a standout evening - they trusted me to be creative and enjoyed every minute of this special moment for Mari. I think we made absolute magic and I am so happy I finally get to share them for you all!!!